Free job posting


Take advantage of our visibility and large network.

How does it work ?

Thorens offers you the possibility of posting your jobs for intermediate and senior positions in certain industry and sector of activities free of charge (conditions below)

You can submit your jobs through the form on this page. Every submission will be reviewed by our team. Approval or rejection of your job posting will be confirmed by email within 48 to 72 hours.

If your job is approved, it will be published for a period of 30 days. You will receive the applications by email.

As part of this service, Thorens only offers you job posting. You are then responsible for the recruitment process.

Whether you successfully hire a candidate or not through posting on our website, the service is always free!

To obtain executive search services, contact us.

1. Publish your offers to the public
A form is at your disposal to allow you to publish your job offers effortlessly. We need all the details about your position to approve your posting, including salary.
2. Get applications
Your jobs will be displayed for a period of 30 days on the Thorens Solutions website. Some aggregator sites (e.g.: Google Jobs, Glassdoor,, etc.) regularly relay the jobs published on the Thorens Solutions website. This will give you an increased visibility at no cost.

When a candidate applies for one of your job offers, you receive their resume by email.
3. Continue your recruitment process
Once the applications have been received, you can integrate them into your regular recruitment process, free of charge.

Don't forget to follow up with all your candidates, as Thorens will not do so in the context of this free service.

Type of Eligible Job Offers

In order to present job offers adapted to our network of candidates, only offers in the following industries will be approved:
Engineering and Consulting Engineering
The position must be a permanent position at the intermediate or senior level (salary of $75,000/year or more).

Thorens reserves the right to refuse any job posting deemed irrelevant or not in compliance. If you have any questions regarding a rejected job posting, please contact us at .

Conditions and Terms of Use

By using our free service, you confirm that your job offer does not contain any criteria deemed discriminatory and that the information contained in the posting is true.

You confirm that you are not using our service for illegal or fraudulent purposes.

You confirm that you are genuinely looking to fill the position displayed in a short-term horizon. Using our service for the purpose of building a bank of candidates is not permitted.

The aim of this service is to present interesting and real opportunities to our network of candidates.

You confirm that you have read and approved the Terms of Use of this website.

You confirm that you comply with the Privacy Policy put in place by Thorens.

Although our free job postings are first approved by the company, Thorens is not responsible for the content of such postings and can not be held responsible for any job posting containing false, inaccurate, invalid, incomplete or fraudulent information.

Submit your Job Offer

Here are the details that should be included in your job description
  • Company Description
  • Job description
  • Tasks and Responsibilities
  • Qualifications
  • Work conditions and Benefits
Free jobs offers publication
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